Thursday, July 4, 2024

Thomas wants to change the insanity law – "Give fines according to the value of the car"

The law on speeding must be changed so that the fine corresponds to the value of the car. DI Bilbranchen proposes this, and the Minister of Justice sets up a fashion.

The Insanity Act has now been in force for more than three years. But adjustments are needed. DI Bilbrachen thinks so.

In a letter sent together with DI Transport, the organization proposes a number of changes to the law. And something could indicate that Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard is not completely blind to this sort of thing.

In any case, Hummelgaard has signed off on the organizations' letter and proposal, and has called the industry organizations to a meeting.

This is what the industry organizations write in a press release .

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There are several proposals in the letter, but one of the most central is that the consequence for the crazy carousel must be changed. It must, if it is up to the trade associations, no longer go beyond innocent motorists if someone else is driving madly in their car.

– There is a need to do something different, when in several cases you can wipe the bill and the punishment off on others.

– We believe that if the law is to have the necessary effect, it must be the driver of the car and not the owner who pays for the car's value in the form of a fine, says Karsten Lauritzen, branch director of DI Transport.

On the other hand, the government has not previously been averse to actually directing the opposite to tighten the current legislation. Read more about it here.

Back at DI, they believe that even more can be done to end crazy driving. But for that to happen, the organization will be allowed to use a number of tools.

We in the industry can play an even bigger role in the fight against carousing, but that requires adjustments to the law.

– First of all, we propose stalls corresponding to the car's value in cases where the driver does not own the car.

– We also miss more and more effective tools in everyday life to screen for potential crazy drivers when renting or lending cars for demo corsels, says branch director for DI Bilbranchen, Thomas Moller Sorensen.

Read more exciting news from and about the world of cars right here!


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