There is a difference between traffic signs. So in more than one sense. A new survey has found which boards are the most expensive to ignore.
It can hardly occur to anyone that it is most expensive to ignore the traffic signs that indicate the speed limit.
93.6 percent of all tickets each year are given to motorists who blow the speed limit. This is shown by a new survey thatAutoTrack is behind.
However, the same investigation also shows that 500,000 stalls are issued every single year because motorists generally blow on traffic signs and notices.
The road sign that motorists generally ignore most often is the one that warns of a pedestrian crossing ahead. 29.5 percent of the remaining half a million stalls are given to motorists who blow on those boards.
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18.9 percent of the stalls are given to motorists who park illegally. The last place in the 'top 3' goes to drivers who choose to drive down a closed road. 8.45 percent of the stalls go to this type of motorist.
However, traffic signs are not the only thing drivers find difficult to respect. In a new survey, 1 in 4 motorists answered that it is perfectly fine to throw rubbish out of the window. Even if it can cost up to 5,000 kroner to be caught in it.
According to figures from the Danish police circles, between 2020 and 2023, 150 motorists per year were charged with this kind of filth. And it covers the whole country. However, the number of charges is hardly commensurate with the amount of waste along the roads in Denmark.
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