In Australia, the police have taken a Lamborghini Huracan and other valuables for a total of DKK 2.26 million from a driver on unemployment benefits.
Officially, he collects unemployment benefits every month. That is, unemployment benefits. However, the reality is different for a 39-year-old man from Sydney, Australia.
The police have seized valuables worth DKK 2.26 million from him. In addition to a Lamborghini Huracan and a Harley-Davidson. The motorcycle is otherwise painted in the same Blu Cepheus paint as the car.
The police believe that the man's fortune comes from organized crime. That is why he has also offered support in the form of unemployment benefits.
This is written by Australian .
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According to police information, the man has been on unemployment benefits since 2019. Nevertheless, he has been able to afford an extravagant lifestyle. In addition to the cars, law enforcement also took at least one Rolex watch with them when the man's home was searched.
It remains unclear how much the 39-year-old has received in unemployment benefit over the past five years, and how he managed to earn the 'right' to unemployment benefit. The preliminary proceedings against him begin on October 4 this year. Meanwhile, the police investigation continues.
The fact that people cheat on unemployment benefits and other benefits for the socially disadvantaged is unfortunately nothing new. During the corona pandemic, several Danes even tried to cheat themselves of state support in the form of special loans.
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