The standard was generally high among the guests in the cars that the Southern and Sonderjyllands Police checked in connection with Denmark's Fastest Car.
The South and Sonderjylland Police's traffic department carried out a check on Thursday and Friday of a total of 250-300 cars on their way to Denmark's Fastest Car (DHB) at Padborg Park. The inspection was carried out in collaboration with the Motor Authority.
The police's efforts showed that the standard was generally very high this year, which meant that most participants could continue to the car event without remarks. Last year approximately 500 cars were checked, resulting in 127 charges. This year only 29 charges were registered.
Police Commissioner John Weber Pedersen expressed satisfaction with this year's inspection results. The police district writes this in a press release .
"Our checks went very well. Fortunately, we were able to ascertain that the participants generally have very good control over the choir carriages they come to Padborg Park in. Both the cars that pull trailers with choir carriages and the caravans they spend the night in," said he.
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Of the 29 charges, 27 were traffic cases, including five cars that were summoned for inspection. The traffic cases included faults and deficiencies in choir gear, missing or revoked choir cards, too tight a carriageway, lack of a seat belt, mobile chat and a constructively modified moped.
In addition, a number plate on a caravan was withdrawn due to faults and defects, including on the brakes, and a number plate was withdrawn due to a tax case.
The traffic department was also present with ATK vans and video cars, which are specially equipped civilian police cars with video equipment. This effort was carried out in a larger area around Padborg. However, the results from this were less satisfactory. 557 speeding violations were registered with the ATK wagons:
"The checks show that there are still too many who drive too fast. Speed kills, so it is crucial that drivers slow down," said John Weber Pedersen.
It is important to note that these checks were carried out in a wider area and therefore do not necessarily relate to DHB. They may involve drivers going to and from the area for other reasons.
The ATK vehicles' registrations were distributed as follows: On Thursday there were 163 cases, of which 8 resulted in clipping. On Friday, there were 121 cases, of which 7 resulted in cuts. On Thursday, there were 140 cases, of which 6 resulted in cuts and 1 conditional suspension of the choir card. On Sunday, there were 133 cases, of which 5 resulted in cuts.
The video effort recorded the following: Friday there were 40 cases and Thursday there were 48 cases. The video effort covered all types of traffic offences, including speeding and using a mobile phone while on the road.
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