In an attempt to get away from the police, a getaway driver parted with the equivalent of DKK 347,000 in cash. The money came straight out of the car.
Car chases for getaway drivers are almost part of the order of the day, but it is nevertheless part of the rarity that the driver in the attempt to get away also lets it rain with cash.
Yet that's exactly what happened when two masked men in a BMW X5 tried to run away from law enforcement. All in the town of Plainfield in the US state of Connecticut.
Before that, two men had succeeded in breaking into a cash machine, which they emptied of its contents.
Contents they started throwing around when the police caught sight of them. In total, 52,000 dollars, equivalent to 437,000 kroner, were thrown out of the side windows of the BMW.
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The police later found the money in a bag. Here they were rolled up in bundles of $20 bills. In the same place, the police also found an iPhone which probably belongs to one of the two men in the BMW.
The pursuit of the BMW managed to be called off before the police got hold of the two men. They are apparently still at large. In Plainfield, the police recognize that they have a problem with the thefts from ATMs. Also known as jackpotting. Blue. because the thieves hack into the machines.
– Now they can use software to bypass the security systems in an ATM. It's basically what in the criminal world is referred to as a 'jackpot payout', says local police chief Luke Davis.
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