Electric roads are a really good idea, say the people behind them. Nevertheless, such a road in the Swedish city of Lund has just been destroyed again.
In 2020, an electric road was built in the Swedish city of Lund. The goal was to test whether it even made sense to leave 'on the road'.
And according to Elonroad, the company that had the road built, this has proven to be a big gain. Especially after the power rail was milled into the asphalt.
– The biggest lesson from the project is that electric roads are a really good idea. The social gain can be enormous, says Per Löfberg, project manager at Elonroad, the Lunda company that is behind the technology for Dagens Industri .
However, the road has recently been torn up. However, the people behind it believe they have learned a lot from the small 5 years of test work and data collected from the short kilometers on the roads, which therefore no longer exist.
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– One of the advantages of electric roads is that you can reduce the battery sizes in road trains quite radically by between 50 and 80 percent, says Per Löfberg.
On the other hand, nothing more is happening with electric roads for the time being. At least not in Sweden. The scheme is simply too expensive in relation to the benefit.
Therefore, a tender for a permanent electric road for charging electric cars was also slowed down. It already happened last September. But it is only now that the last of the first test kilometers of current-carrying asphalt is a thing of the past.
All in all, the development of electric cars and everything around them is a furiously expensive business. Ford, for example, loses 1 million kroner on each and every electric car the brand builds. But it is actually worse in several places.
Lucid Motors and Rivian are fighting even wilder losses on every car the brands build. And the money just keeps pouring out of the company's coffers. Read more about it here .
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