After a long wait – i.a. with a judge who thinks the salary is far too much – Tesla has now agreed to pay Elon Musk DKK 400 billion in salary.
Tesla's shareholders have voted yes to the board's proposal, which will give the brand's managing director a total salary of DKK 400 billion.
The BBC writes that.
The astronomically high salary the Tesla director gets, among other things in that he is awarded a larger shareholding. This allows the car brand to close an agreement which was actually concluded in 2018.
However, the agreement has been met with opposition ever since, and only now has Tesla been able to send the salary package to a vote among its shareholders. The car brand has, among other things, paid Elon Musk's social media "X" to advertise the swag for him. Read more about it here .
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The agreement has also been blocked by a judge in the state of Delaware, who believes that the salary is both unfair and excessive.
Immediately before the news, Elon Musk himself wrote that the shareholders had said 'yes' to the salary package. Something that immediately caused Tesla's stock to rise by 3 percent. Today, the share thus costs 182.47 dollars per share. pieces.
In comparison, another electric car brand is struggling to even survive on the stock market. Polestar's price is 0.72 dollars and thus far below the required one dollar in value, which entitles it to a place on the stock exchange in New York. Read more about it here .
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