The audit firm EY must pay a total of DKK 10 million to the bankruptcy estate after the scandal-hit Scanleasing, because there was no control over the accounts.
It was Scanleasing that cheated. But some of the fraud is the responsibility of the audit firm EY, because they did not catch the fact that there was a mess in the 2018 accounts for the leasing company's bankruptcy.
Therefore, the bankruptcy estate must now have DKK 10 million as a result of a settlement with the audit firm. And this even though EY had actually stated in the accounts that Scanleasing's director, Peter Larsen, had violated a large number of laws.
This is written by Borsen and Mobilitywatch .
However, the bankruptcy estate states that EY overlooked that Scanleasing could not pay its bills as early as July 2019 and was thus insolvent when the 2018 accounts were drawn up.
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EY's mistake meant that DKK 10 million was missing when operations in Scanleasing continued. As a result of the settlement, EY has also agreed to withdraw all claims it had otherwise made against the bankruptcy estate. EY may also not make further, new claims against the bankruptcy estate.
In the bankruptcy estate, various creditors, including Tax and a number of petrol companies, are owed more than DKK 260 million. The company's director and sole owner, Peter Larsen, has been charged but not yet charged with fraud and serious economic crime for DKK 200 million.
Scanleasing went bankrupt in autumn 2020. Just two years later, however, it was revealed that the director continued his scams. Even though he has also been declared personal bankrupt in connection with the bankruptcy. In March 2022, he was arrested for the fraud along with two women.
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