On Tuesday morning, a number of climate activists blocked the exit to the Helsingor motorway. According to the media, the police are on the scene.
Climate activists again harassed the traffic on Zealand on Tuesday morning.
This time the activists had set out to block the exit to the Helsingor motorway at Jægersborgsvej.
According to presse-fotos.dk, the campaign created chaos both on the exit itself and on the motorway behind it. However, there are no reports of trouble in connection with the action, just as the police are on the scene.
It is far from the first time that climate activists from the same grouping that has been at stake today have harassed the traffic in Denmark.
Back in March, the group was threatened with a beating by at least one angry motorist, who had to see his way blocked. In fact, at exactly the same exit.
– The next person who stands in front of that car will have all their teeth knocked out, was the threat from the clearly upset driver. Read more about it here .