The German machinery manufacturer Liebherr is now ready with a new 12-cylinder, 27-liter diesel engine with a whopping 1,300 horsepower.
German manufacturer Liebherr has developed a new diesel engine, a V12 with 1,300 horsepower. The engine, called the D9612, is a 27.0-liter model weighing 2,350 kilograms and measuring over two meters in length.
It will be showcased at this year's Munich Motor Show in April.
Liebherr is a company that specializes in the production of large machinery, including agricultural machinery.
These machines require engines with significant performance, which is why a diesel engine like the D9612 has been developed. With a torque of 5,374 Nm, the engine is designed to operate in demanding environments, such as the construction and agricultural industries.
This is written by Auto, Motor und Sport .
The large diesel engine will be used in industry
To ensure optimal operation, the engine's condition is continuously monitored via Liebherr's LiDIA diagnostic tool.
In addition, customers are offered the opportunity to customize the V12 engine with various filter solutions. This means that the diesel engine can operate even under very demanding and very specific operating conditions. The diesel engine is expected to be used in agricultural, industrial and construction machinery.
This is not the first time that a gigantic engine has found its way forward despite increasingly strict emission requirements and downsizing.
Zenvo Automotive is even closer to something that will actually hit the road. The car brand's newly developed V12 engine 'Mjolner' is 6.6 liters and approved for street use with an output of a whopping 1,850 horsepower. Read more about the engine here .