A new investigation from the EU claims to have found out why there are drivers who are 'against the electric car'.
A new study by the EU-based European Observatory for Alternative Fuels claims to have found out why there are motorists who oppose the electric car.
According to the EU, for the vast majority it is about the price. In the 12 EU countries where the people behind the survey have asked motorists for their opinion, the respondents say that 20,000 euros is a reasonable price for an electric car.
That is a good 150,000 Danish kroner. Even so, 46 percent of those who have already bought an electric car say that they have spent 40,000 euros or more to acquire an electric car.
40 percent have spent between 20,000 and 40,000 euros on the purchase. And only one percent of drivers will not answer what they spent on the purchase.
READ ALSO: Arthur gave DKK 3,500 for 100 kilometers of electricity for his Audi
57 percent of the respondents can imagine that they will consider an electric car within a period of 5 years. But there are also 25 percent of the respondents who completely rule out the purchase of an electric car in the same period.
It also lags at the charging stations. In any case, 31 percent of motorists in the survey answer that they don't mind waiting at all to be able to charge their electric cars at public charging stations. Only six percent will wait for more than one hour if there is traffic at a charging station.
On the other hand, the same survey shows that only 18 percent of the motorists surveyed use public charging stations altogether. As many as 80 percent of them state that they leave home instead.
However, it is not at all certain that electric car owners will have to wait that long in the future. A new EU requirement means that charging points must be established in all car parks where there is room for 20 cars.
However, the requirement has already met with fierce criticism both in Denmark and abroad. It is the owners of the parking spaces, and not the public, who have to pay for the charging stations.
The bill is already threatening to overturn the economic foundations of several voluntary associations. Read more about it here .
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