It took a good 500 hours to paint this Lamborghini alone. On the other hand, there is also only one car in the whole world.
It probably took 500 hours to paint this car alone. On the other hand, there is also only one Lamborghini Revuelto Opera Unica.
The car was built for an undoubtedly very wealthy customer, whose order went directly through the brand's special Ad Personam department.
– It is a unique Lamborghini, a tribute to the innovation, creativity and inherent art found in our super sports cars, which are the heart of our brand, says managing director Stephan Winkelmann.
The car, which looks like it is a mix of blue and black colors, is actually much more. But it requires that the chair is exactly right on the paintwork. According to Lamborghini, the idea behind the whole project is to direct the owner's thoughts towards the sun on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia.
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The price is the only thing you don't ask about. But it is far from the first time that the people in the Ad Personam department have been given something close to a blank check so they could just go crazy with ideas.
It is not more than a few months ago that Boosted could talk about another Lamborghini Revuelto if it will never be built again. Read more about that car here.
And should there be a car painter, two or three out there drooling over the car from the factory in Sant'Agata, Italy, we draw attention to another piece of rolling art. This time in France.
At Bugatti in the town of Molsheim, the paint workers spend 700 hours painting one car. The first 200 hours are spent alone preparing the paintwork. We said prepare…off!