In a new five-point plan, the German liberal party FDP wants to make it free to park in the cities. There is a need for more cars, not fewer, it says.
They sit well in government with parties that think something completely different from them, but that does not prevent the German party FDP from coming up with proposals on its own.
That is why the party has put forward a so-called five-point plan, which, among other things, must accommodate motorists to a greater extent than is the case today.
This is written by the Bild newspaper.
Blue. will the party make it free to park in the cities after 4 p.m. "Koreplan for the future – a policy for the car" FDP calls their proposal.
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Zyon Braun, who is the FDP's leading candidate for the upcoming state elections in Germany, says that the party will not "participate in the war against the car" and that "many Germans are still and will continue to be dependent on the car".
Zyon Braun also emphasizes that if free short-term parking is not an option in city centers, there must be very cheap parking options throughout Germany.
– Instead of bans, we depend on innovations and openness to technology.
– The car is still an important part of individual mobility and freedom. Unfortunately, De Gronne in particular will never understand this way of thinking, the plan states.
The FDP is also directly opposed to the debate that has flared up in Germany recently and on several occasions. Namely the question of whether Germany should ban the free speed that applies on certain sections of the country's motorway network.
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