The association of German car brands VDA – Verband der Automobilindustrie – demands in a new plan that petrol and diesel be banned from being sold in 2045 .
By 2045 at the latest, it must be impossible – even prohibited – to both sell and refuel diesel and petrol. It extends the association of German car brands VDA in a new initiative.
Specifically, the VDA proposes that politicians ban the sale of diesel and petrol based on crude oil. On the other hand, it must only be allowed to fill up with synthetic fuel. The so-called e-fuel or hydrogen.
This is written by the German newspaper Merkur on the basis of a press release from the VDA.
– Europe can only achieve its COâ‚‚ reduction targets with a course that allows for all potential solutions in a technology-neutral way.
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– Politicians are encouraged to establish incentives for the promotion of renewable energy sources and thereby guarantee and promote investments, says the association's chairman Hildegard Müller.
At the same time, the VDA calls on politicians to promote the development of different, renewable fuels with support schemes, tax benefits and other benefits.
If the VDA gets their way, it means that gas stations may be forced to buy a greater share of renewable fuels. Something that will make synthetic petrol and diesel available to a far greater extent than is the case today.
According to the VDA, state support, for example through reduced energy taxes, is necessary if it is to be possible to manufacture synthetic fuels, so that it makes sense commercially.
While the VDA hopes that synthetic fuels have a future, certainly not everyone sees the idea.
In a new interview with the industry magazine Automobil Industrie, Peter Fintl, head of technology and innovation at the consulting company Capgemini, shoots the idea down completely. At least as a fuel for and in passenger cars.
– It is only 15-20 percent of the energy that actually moves the car, and no breakthrough is expected to come that will change this in the medium term,
– There is no way around electric cars, says the criticism.
For the time being – at least within the EU – the plan is that all new cars that can only run on fossil petrol/diesel must be completely banned by 2035 at the latest. However, several car brands have subsequently said that they cannot do without the internal combustion engine for the time.
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