In just three weeks, a number of camera traps, which were set up free and clear, have sold stalls for DKK 3.8 million. The people behind get DKK 140. for each stall.
Speed cameras in Manatee County, Florida, have generated DKK 3.8 million in speeding tickets in just three weeks. Since 1 November, the new speed cameras have issued 5,716 stalls at DKK 670 each. This corresponds to a total income of DKK 3,828,220.
The speed cameras were installed in August and ran for a three-month period until November, when motorists speeding in school zones received warnings instead of tickets. During this period, 10,629 warnings were issued.
The cameras are set to record speed and take a picture of any car going more than 10 mph over the posted speed limit in school zones in the Bradenton area.
The cameras are only active on weekdays and for 30 minutes before the school day begins and 30 minutes after school.
For each ticket issued, the county receives DKK 435, the state DKK 154, and the school district DKK 80. The company RedSpeed, which has installed the cameras for free at 24 schools, will receive DKK 132 per violation.
According to the Bradenton Herald newspaper, RedSpeed has already earned 758,000 kroner since November 1.
– Because we should all be concerned about children's safety, we should not have to remind drivers to slow down.
And secondly, if drivers just obey the posted speed limits, they don't need to worry about getting a ticket, says police director Rick Wells.
School district spokesman Mike Barber says the speed cameras will help protect children and families on their way to and from school. It is not yet known whether local authorities plan to install speed cameras in other school zones.