Ford already tried to solve the problem at the beginning of 2023 – now the error has returned. This means that 43,000 cars can run away.
Ford tried in 2023 but apparently couldn't get away with cracks in the petrol nozzles on a number of models. Including the SUV Kuga with the 1.5-liter Ecoboost engine.
And now it's crazy again. There are still cracks – and cracks can appear in the nozzles – which is why, among other things, 5,655 Kugas have to go to the workshop.
This is stated by Ford himself according to the news agency AP .
Last time, Ford equipped 46,947 cars with a drain hose to drain gasoline away from hot surfaces. At the same time, Ford updated some software in the cars.
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Outside Europe, Ford could note that there were reports of four damages to cars as a result of the error.
Now Ford has found out that another 5,655 Kugas produced between November 25 and December 19, 2023, can still get cracks in the injection nozzles. The fault may mean that petrol accumulates on top of a hot engine.
Sufficient heat can ignite a fire under the hood, so now Ford has to start the same procedure as last year. The car brand itself estimates that the repair will take around two hours.
It is far from the first time that Ford has run into problems that lead to massive recalls. Recently, it was even the dealers' fault. Read more about it here .
However, other car brands are in even bigger trouble than Ford when it comes to recalls. Back in December last year, Honda recalled so many cars that may also have fuel problems that there is a fear of going to market for spare parts. Read more about it here .
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