The insurance companies can't really find an explanation that fits when every 7th car gets damaged this year. For some injuries, there are fewer than usual .
The number of cars with engine damage fell by 5 percent in August when compared to the same month last year.
This is what Jyske Bank writes in an analysis.
The bank points out that the peak in the development of damage to the roads may have been reached, and that the level is going down from here. But it is far from certain.
The insurance companies can't really explain why there have been fewer of this kind of damage in Denmark. The number of other injuries is still at a record high.
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From 1 January 2024 until now, the frequency of engine damage is 14.2 percent of the car fleet. This is slightly higher than the average from 2012 to 2021, which was 11.7.
According to figures from Jyske Bank, this corresponds to one in seven cars or vans in the course of what has already passed by 2024 having sustained an injury.
One clue to the cause of the damage may be the increased amount of technology that has been added to the cars. Technology that would otherwise help drivers make fewer dents and worse.
But much of the technology is also distracting for drivers. In fact, an overwhelming majority in a new survey says that touchscreens generally steal their attention.
Surprisingly, as many as 41 percent answered in the same survey that talking to other passengers takes too much of their attention. 66 percent of those who also have their phone with them when out and about find it too distracting.
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