On the night of Wednesday, an update went crazy for a whole range of Volkswagen's electric cars around Zealand. The error set off the alarms.
An error in an update to Volkswagen's electric cars caused alarms to go off in several police circles on the night of Wednesday. Copenhagen Police received somewhere between 50 and 100 reports from citizens who were disturbed by the suddenly activated alarms.
– People have been bothered by the alarms, and we can't really do anything about it," says warden Martin Kajberg to Ritzau.
The problem was caused by an error in an update for the electric cars, which prevented the car owners from deactivating the alarms themselves. Copenhagen Police stated on X that it was therefore not necessary to contact the police about the problem.
Copenhagen's Vestegns Police also received reports about the unwanted alarms.
– It started in the afternoon, but we have received a few reports in the course of last night," says head of duty Claus Stoltenberg.
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Central and West Zealand Police registered a single report from Holbæk.
It is still unclear which Volkswagen models were precisely affected by the error and how it occurred. It is also not known whether the problem has been lost.
It is certainly not the first time that an update to an electric car has gone wrong. In fact, it has happened several times that the car brands have had to patch one update with the other.
And most recently, Jaguar has had to buy back almost 3,000 electric cars, which the brand has tried several times to save with software updates. Read more about it here .