Most brand new cars drive around with built-in GPS. If not this kind is on the owner's mobile. But a few cars don't have navigation. And that can become a problem.
You can still get 'old fashioned' GPS navigation for the car. You know, the small computer that is attached to the windscreen of the car with a suction cup. More drivers still use theirs.
But the fact that the GPS is still sold – and used – may very soon become a bigger headache for the owners. Or at least those who use the GPS.
Because soon the network signals that some GPS navigations depend on turn off. This happens as the 2 and 3G networks are shut down.
However, the older navigation systems are not the only ones affected by the connection being shut down. A brand like Nissan has already removed a number of functions in the Leaf electric car.
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The functions found in the app for the car are dependent on a network that will soon no longer exist.
However, Nissan points out – and rightly so – that it is not only their customers who will be affected by this kind of 'shutdown'. It will happen in all cars that the car manufacturers have based on 2G technology.
In that context, several hundred thousand cars on the Danish roads may be affected by a traffic ban the next time they have to be inspected. Read more about how it is connected here .
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