Tesla is no longer the Danes' preferred car brand, even though the Model Y is the car most Danes want.
The Tesla Model Y is Denmark's most popular car, even though the American car brand has plummeted both at home and internationally.
Boosted has previously described how the Model Y has gone from being the world's most popular car in 2023 to 18th place in 2024. Read more about it here.
Still, new figures from De Danske Bilimportorer, which now calls itself Mobility, show that the Tesla can keep up.
Because if you look at sales in specific car models, and not brands, no other car has sold better than the Model Y in the first half of 2024.
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In fact, Tesla was in two out of the top three places in the six months. Third place, the Audi Q4 e-tron, comes with 2,800 copies in six months, not even close to the success of the Teslas.
Both the industry and car buyers can also note a slight improvement in the second quarter. And on the whole, the Danish car market is the only one in the whole of the Nordic region that is progressing at the moment. Read more about it here .
– This shows us that the positive development just continues and that the political initiatives that make Danes want to choose electric cars are working. We must stick to that_,_" says Mads Rorvig, managing director of Mobility Denmark.
However, the current director and former leftist should not count too much on that. The current agreement on the registration tax means that electric cars will be subject to taxes as early as 2026.
And this kind of thing has already been shown to hurt car sales. At least abroad. In Germany, where all support for electric cars was removed with immediate effect in December 2023, sales of the car type have completely collapsed. Instead, another type of car has taken over. Read more about it here .
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