While both Norwegians and Swedes hold back, the Danes' desire for new cars increases. This is shown by the latest figures from the month of May.
The Norwegians are no longer as crazy about electric cars as they used to be. But the Swedes also last again when it comes to new cars.
In fact, Denmark was the only country in Scandinavia where car sales went forward. This is shown by the latest settlement from the car importers.
Norway is still the one of the three countries where electric cars occupy most of the market. But as Boosted has previously been able to tell, sales have also declined here for the car type.
A year ago – i.e. in May 2023 – electric cars accounted for 80 percent of the Norwegian market. Today it is 'only' 77 percent. And when you look at total car sales, it's going down.
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The car importers write this in a press release .
Norwegians buy 23.2 percent fewer cars than a year ago. And in Sweden, there is a decline in new car sales of 11.4 percent.
In comparison, Danish car sales increased by 4 percent compared to May last year. For Mads Rorvig, managing director of Mobility Danmark (formerly De Danske Bilimportorer), the development is a clear sign that electric cars need help.
– The incentives to choose green cars are important for how the market develops. It is important that we continue to keep taxes calm in Denmark and strengthen Danes' options to choose electric cars. It is decisive for us to succeed with the green transition, it says.
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