Two years ago, the National Police spent up to DKK 150 million to buy brand new Ducati motorcycles. Now they are banned in several of the country's police districts.
In several places brand new motorcycles are parked and collecting dust with the police. And it is not because the motorcycles have been seized.
The National Police itself has spent up to DKK 150 million on them. But now Avisen Danmark writes that several police districts have issued a ban on using the motorcycles.
It is not the first time that problems with the two-wheelers keep the police from moving in traffic in this way.
But now it turns out that the police's brand new Ducati Multistrada V4 S has problems, which means that the National Police has introduced a speed limit.
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The police will not say where the speed limit is. And although the National Police does not recommend a ban, many police circles have taken the option anyway.
At Christiansborg, the problems with the new motorbikes are causing concern. Advocate at SF, Karina Lorentzen, will, among other things, have investigated whether the National Police can get out of the contract with Ducati.
A contract that covers both delivery and servicing of motorcycles for 7 years. However, the motorcycles are not the only new thing in the police fleet.
A car brand has also quite legally had its proboscis in the treasury in 2022. Something that means that the police will also have to corral an old acquaintance for a period of seven years. Read more about it here .