A number of Danish car owners are currently experiencing an increase in their car insurance premiums of up to 80 percent. FDM points to electric cars.
Car insurance can be extremely expensive. Some Danes are currently paying up to 80 percent more for the same insurance.
The drivers are insured with Tryg and TopDanmark, both of which have warned of the enormous price increases.
This is what TV2 writes.
The media outlet has spoken to several car owners who say they have been warned about the huge increases. One of them is Thomas Moberg, whose Tesla Model Y will now cost him 3,000 kroner more per year.
– I think it's a very drastic increase. I don't get more for the 3,000 kroner, and I can't help but think that it seems greedy and calculated, he tells the media.
And at FDM, consumer economist Ilyas Dogru points to the electric car as the reason. The member organization, which claims to represent the interests of Danish drivers, says they are being bombarded with inquiries about the same thing – namely price increases on insurance.
And here electric cars play a role. In addition to the fact that there are more cars on the roads in general.
The consumer economist claims that electric cars accelerate and brake differently than drivers are used to.
In addition, more injuries have been registered on the road. Between 2019 and 2024, the number of injuries increased by 20 percent. And there is only one group to pay for this – namely the drivers themselves in the form of higher insurance premiums.
A report from a Danish comparison company also claims that the average car insurance has increased by almost 12 percent in just one year.