Huawei demands compensation for negative publicity about Maextro S800. But the influencer denies the accusations and warns of more trouble.
A car blogger is facing a lawsuit from Huawei after criticizing the Maextro S800 luxury car. The company is seeking $140,000 in damages for what it calls harmful publicity.
The blogger, known as Racing Frappuccino, claims that Huawei's marketing of the car was misleading, accusing the manufacturer of rigging tests in a comparison with the Maybach S680.
Huawei used the videos to highlight the Maextro S800's advanced technology and driving comfort.
According to the influencer, the tests were carefully planned. He claims that calculations of the car's speed and weight ensured that it could cross a pond without spraying water. The Maybach model in the same test, on the other hand, created large splashes of water.
The controversy over the Maextro S800's performance
Huawei touted the car's advanced suspension system as superior. In the videos, the Maextro S800 skidded over water, glass, and sand without any visible tracks. Huawei used the results to promote its new Turing Dragon Architecture.
But the blogger claims that the comparison was designed to artificially highlight the Maextro S800. He believes that Huawei targeted the videos at Chinese consumers with a nationalistic approach.
However, the matter has already taken a new turn when the influencer published a satirical apology video.
Here he imitated Huawei's presentation style and clearly distanced himself from the company's testing methods.
Huawei and the influencer go to court
Huawei sees the case as damaging to the car's reputation. They believe the criticism has misled consumers. And there will be a cost.
Racing Frappuccino denies the allegations and has announced a counterclaim for $340,000. He maintains that his analysis is based on factual data and calls Huawei's response a restriction on freedom of expression.
The car, developed in collaboration with JAC, is expected to hit the market in China later this year. It will be available in both a fully electric version and a hybrid model.
The Maextro S800 is among the largest luxury sedans in China.
The lawsuit could have an impact on how criticism of Chinese car brands is handled in the future. Huawei has previously been the subject of political debate, and it is clearly not over yet.