Chinese BYD sells cars with four-wheel drive. But in practice it is useless, and the cars bark like rear-wheel drives, new tests reveal.
BYD is selling its Tesla Model 3 competitor called the Seal as an all-wheel drive vehicle. But that is very far from reality.
This reveals a new test that the Swedish Teknikens Värld is behind.
The car, BYD Seal AWD Excellence, is also available in Denmark. But it does not have the four-wheel drive that the Chinese promise. And at best it is useless, the Swedes conclude.
Teknikens Värld tested two four-wheel drive BYD Seals and set them to respectively corral uphill and away from some rollers under the front wheels in a parking garage in Stockholm. Both times with the same result – namely that the cars pulled on the rear wheels. The front wheels did not react at all.
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– We do the test on a hill, the car gets some resistance through the climb, and it must be able to pull itself free from the rollers by sending engine power to the front wheels. But it doesn't do that, the Swedes write.
BYD totally rejects the criticism and accuses the journalists of having 'shortened the car incorrectly', because the car brand's way of making four-wheel drive is 'different from others'.
However, in the same test, Teknikens Värld put a Tesla Model 3 with traction on all four wheels to carry out the same tasks. And the car did that without any problems.
All in all, BYD is not the only brand touting four-wheel drive. Ole Næss is an MG owner, and he believes that the car brand has promised him something that his Marvel R does not have.Read more about it here .
However, the Chinese are not the only ones with problems. For example, Tesla recently had to recall more than 1,250,000 cars spread over the entire model range. The reason? The cars lack a super annoying sound. Read more about it here .
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