All we need is for Audi to encourage customers to keep their distance.
The American BMW importer is not entirely without humor. This week, the brand thus came up with a very simple call on Twitter. Namely, using the turn signal. Nevertheless, it is something that BMW owners are known to obstinately avoid. And BMW USA isn't the only one who can see the fun in it. The tweet has been shared more than 2,500 times and liked more than 14,800 times. In just a few hours, it swept in with the first thousand likes. 41822465%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_& Talk aside, security is something to be taken seriously. Fortunately, we are good at it. At least here at home. The Road Directorate's latest tally of traffic fatalities and injuries shows that 2021 was the year with the lowest number of fatalities on Danish roads since 1930. The explanation is not clear-cut. Among other things, the fewer accidents are due to the fact that fewer choir carriages were on the roads in 2021 than otherwise.