Thursday, September 19, 2024

Arguments against electric cars are becoming fewer, research claims

The reasons to reject the electric car are becoming fewer and fewer. Soon there will be no one left, claims a new survey conducted among 3,200 motorists.

The reasons for rejecting the electric car are becoming fewer and fewer, and soon there will be no more excuses for choosing the electric car.

This is what the research firm Kantar Media claims to have arrived at in a study commissioned by Swedish Circle K. The survey has now been repeated 3 years in a row.

This year, the panel consisted of 3,121 people between the ages of 18 and 79, who all had to answer questions about how they view electric cars.

Two years ago, 55 percent of motorists surveyed answered that the number of charging points kept them from buying an electric car. In the meantime, however, the number of charging points has increased.

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In 2023, 44 percent answered that the number of charging points was still a problem. This year, that figure is down to 19 percent.

– It's really funny that even those who don't buy electric cars yet seem to see how fast the expansion of public charging along the road is going.

– Most of the charging takes place at home, but for the long journey, charging on the go is obviously necessary, says Jenni Alterling, senior e-mobility manager at Circle K in Sweden.

Another thing that electric cars have against them is the price. But here too, at least the Swedes' resistance has decreased. In 2022, 65 percent said the price of electric cars is too high. The following year, the number of people who have a hard time with the price of electric cars dropped to 58 percent. And today it is down to 28 percent.

The impact of freezing temperatures on the electric car's performance is a third factor that can also keep drivers away from electric cars. But among Swedish drivers, it is now 'only' one percent who use freezing temperatures as a counterargument against electric cars.

– I think the explanation is that we have both raised the level of knowledge and the acceptance of electric cars in society as a whole, says Jenni Alterling.

However, Circle K in Sweden cannot deny that sales of electric cars are lagging behind. Even in Sweden, the number of new electric cars has fallen significantly. In the month of August alone, the number of registrations fell by 31 percent.

However, this is nothing compared to the situation in Europe's largest market for both new and used cars. The month of August marked the 8th consecutive month in which sales of new electric cars collapsed. The trend has led the governments of both countries to promise to reintroduce state subsidies for electric cars. However, only partially and not for everyone.

The car factories are also generally busy undoing ceilings to only produce electric cars. Most recently, Volvo has announced that it cannot be done anyway. But Audi, Mercedes and Ford have also dropped the idea.

Read more exciting news from and about the world of cars right here!


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