Some Audi owners will be forced to drive around with a defective battery until the spring of 2025. Audi will prevent fires in the cars with a sticker.
Audi believes that the brand can prevent fires in a number of electric cars if these are equipped with a sticker each.
The sticker warns the owners not to fully charge the battery in the cars. In fact, they must charge the battery to 80 percent current at most. At least until Audi can change the battery cells in the spring of 2025.
They, i.e. the battery cells, are indeed problems with a number of copies of Audi's first electric car e-tron. Specifically the model with the nickname 55.
– Under certain circumstances, there may be technical deviations when charging and discharging individual modules in the high-voltage battery.
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– The high-voltage battery can then overheat. For safety reasons, it is necessary to check the battery data of the high-voltage battery and, if necessary, replace individual battery modules, writes the brand's Swedish PR manager Irene Bernald to Carup .
Audi can also state that it will now contact the owners of the electric cars. The cars have to go to a workshop to have a piece of software installed that keeps track of the battery's current level and that this does not become too high.
If Audi has to replace all or parts of the batteries, it could end up costing the brand billions of kroner. So one hopes to be able to solve it with software that keeps track of whether the battery pack gets too hot.
All in all, the Audi e-tron is living on borrowed time. Failing sales combined with a generally declining interest in electric cars, makes the brand consider completely closing the factory where the car is built.
If that happens, 3,600 employees face layoffs. The factory has already said goodbye to several hundred employees.Read more about it here .
However, it is not always that problems in electric cars and cars in general are the fault of the car brands. And Audi is a good example of that. In the US last year the brand had to recall almost 100,000 cars because the owners are too stupid. Read more about it here .
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