It has never been cheaper to fill up with diesel in Denmark than it is right now. In any case, the price has not been seen lower since the New Year.
The price of diesel may not rattle down. But it is lower than it has been throughout 2024 so far.
This is written by TV2 Øst .
It is, among other things, bad figures from the American economy, which in recent days have also been felt on the stock market here at home, sending the price down.
– Unemployment is rising and the American economy may be on its way to slowing down.
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– As a result, there is less need for oil, which causes the price of oil and therefore also the price of petrol and diesel to fall at home, says Soren Kristensen, chief economist at Sydbank, to the media.
The chief economist actually expects the price of diesel to fall further. But it won't be much. It is not 'free' fuel to look forward to for the Danish motorists.
On the contrary, the government has already announced that fuel will again, again be subject to more taxes on 1 January 2025. This also happened at the beginning of 2024. And even more taxes are on the way. In 2027, the EU will introduce a quota system on fuel. Read more about it here .
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