One in four motorists think it's perfectly fine to throw rubbish out of the window during the choral journey. According to a new study.
Every fourth motorist thinks it's perfectly fine to throw small things like popsicles and food scraps out of the window during the journey.
This is shown by a new survey from the analysis firm Ispos for the organization Keep Norway Clean .
In a press release, the organization's day-to-day manager, Lise Gulbransen, says that many mistakenly believe that this kind of thing happens by itself in nature.
– Nothing must be thrown out of the car window, not even leftover food. Food can also take a long time to break down, especially in our climate.
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Animal life in particular can suffer great damage due to drivers' clumsy habits in traffic. Because it is more than food scraps that motorists can throw directly out of the window.
Cans thrown out of the window can end up in animal feed and cause great suffering and death in cows. These animals bleed to death from the inside.
Here at home it is also crazy with road users who throw everything possible and impossible out of the window when they are on a trip. But the road pigs get away with it too easily.
Although the penalty for throwing things in the wild is actually pretty high. Throwing away waste can cost up to DKK 5,000. That is, if the police discover it. But it just rarely happens.
According to figures from the country's police circles, between 2020 and 2023, 150 drivers per year were charged with this kind of sleaze. And it covers the whole country. However, the number of charges is hardly commensurate with the amount of waste along the roads in Denmark.
Every year, the Road Directorate collects more than 700 tonnes of waste along the Danish state roads. On top of that, 100 tonnes must be counted, which Denmark's Nature Conservation Association collects every year in just one day in connection with the annual waste collection.
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