At Tesla's factory on the outskirts of Berlin, Germany, they are currently short of 65,000 coffee cups. The management does not immediately accuse the employees of anything.
No employees are yet suspected – at least not of theft – but at Tesla's only factory in Germany, 65,000 coffee cups are currently missing.
Factory manager André Thierig made the employees aware of the problem on Monday, even though the management has not yet been able to blame one or more employees.
– Statistically speaking, you all already have five Ikea cups at home, Thierig is said to have told the fashion to the media according to the German media Handelsblatt , which has heard a hidden audio recording from the fashion.
André Thierig allegedly stressed to the employees that the increase should not be perceived as a threat.
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So Tesla does not know where the cups have gone. But the car brand may be able to find a good number of them on eBay. Also on the German part of the site. Here the cups can be bought for around 41 euros, corresponding to 305 Danish kroner.
It's hardly the fault of the smallpox, but Tesla has been having a hard time lately. At least internally, where they have said goodbye to more than 10 percent of the workforce, corresponding to over 20,000 positions.
Entire departments have been shut down, even people who claim to have slept in their cars to get to work have been fired.
The car brand has factories in the US states of California, Nevada, New York, Texas as well as on the outskirts of Berlin and two in China. However, the one factory in China only manufactures charging stands. The so-called superchargers.
A good number of these charging stations are now going to Denmark in even greater numbers. Tesla wants to open Europe's largest charging park here at home. Read more about it here .
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