The so-called street take overs are nothing but deeply annoying. Now the police in Miami will have the opportunity to crack down even harder on this kind of car collision.
It is always the few who must destroy it for the many. Such is the case with the so-called street take over car meets.
Drivers who are only out to create a bad atmosphere spoil the general perception of the car environment. But now the police in Miami have the opportunity to crack down even harder on the illegal car crashes.
This is what the Miami-Dade Police Department writes in a post on Instagram .
On Monday 1 July, a number of new tightening of the law will take effect, which aim to stifle this kind of car collision, namely force.
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The new strictures allow the police to do everything from impounding cars to permanently confiscating choir cards.
The new laws allow the police to hand out fines of between 2,500 and 4,500 dollars to people who participate in street take overs. If the prices go up, this corresponds to DKK 31,200 in stalls.
– We will have absolutely zero tolerance for this kind of reckless behavior that goes beyond the safety of the population. We crack down on and arrest the participants, say the police.
At the same time, the new strictures mean that the police can seize a choir vehicle and confiscate the driver's choir card for 4 years. The spectators don't go free either. Anyone who merely observes a 'street take over' will be fined 400 dollars. This corresponds to DKK 2,700.
Here at home, ever since March 2021, there has been talk of madness if a driver uses his car for illegal street racing. It has already cost several choir cards, a car and up to 20 days in prison. Read more about it here .
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