If you look at the raw numbers, there is one thing in particular that Danish motorists need to notice. The import of used electric cars has exploded.
Never before have there been more than 11,000 used electric cars for sale in Denmark.
But there it is now. This is stated in the latest so-called weekly report from Bilbasen. However, according to the trading platform, it is not because the electric cars are piling up at dealers or in private intersections.
In fact, the Danes – unlike drivers in the other European markets – can hardly get enough of used electric cars in particular.
"Close to 8,000 electric used cars were sold in May. The preliminary figures for the month of June indicate that sales are once again setting a record," reads the report .
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Today, there are more than a quarter of a million electric cars on Danish roads. Even so, De Danske Bilimportorer and the organization DI Bilbranchen in particular fear that sales will slow down.
It's all about taxes. There are indications that electric cars have difficulty coping when they are charged with the same registration fees as the rest of the car fleet.
In Germany alone, where last year in December the government immediately removed all support for electric cars to plug a hole in the state coffers, sales of electric cars have plummeted.
The latest figures from May show that electric cars on German roads have declined by 30.8 percent. And overall, the market share of electric cars throughout Europe has fallen by 12.5 percent. To that extent, the big winner in that game comes from the back of a brand like Volkswagen. Read more about it here .
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