On the night of Wednesday, a 19-year-old man tried to run away from the police. Along the way, he became a crazy driver and smashed 8 cars.
At 00.35 on the night of Wednesday this week, the police got hold of a 19-year-old man from Fredensborg who, shortly before, took something of a choir trip.
This is what Nordsjælland's Police write in the police report .
And he is unlikely to hit the roads any time soon. According to the police circle, the young man is charged with a host of offences, including: Causing danger to the life and safety of others, driving under the influence of alcohol, driving without a license, having a short drive.
During his escape from the police, the very young man manages to ram as many as 8 cars. Several people also had to jump aside to avoid being hit by the 19-year-old's car.
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Now a blood test, which the 19-year-old was taken to the hospital to take, must determine what exactly he has been affected by. However, he should not expect to see the car again.
As is usual in such cases, the police will have a judge confiscate it on behalf of the state in connection with the later trial. However, the police are not always right.
Earlier this month, Boosted was able to tell that a 20-year-old man has been acquitted in the High Court because the police could not prove that he is actually driving a crazy expensive Audi. Read more about it here .
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