Midt- and Westsjælland's Police cracked down on a motorist on Thursday evening in connection with a legal car collision at Roskilde Harbour.
It was a report about noise and reckless traffic that prompted the Central and West Zealand Police to respond to a legal car collision in Roskilde on Thursday evening.
At Roskilde Harbour, a 19-year-old man from Herfolge was charged with violating the traffic law when he drove in a passenger car in an annoying and disruptive manner.
The police circle writes that in the police report .
According to the police, both the engine and exhaust system on the car were illegally constructively modified. Like the car driving around without a number plate in front and with illegal headlights. The police also believe that the car has been lowered more than permitted.
The car has now been impounded so that the police can have it examined more closely. If there is anything about the suspicion, the police will go after the 19-year-old to pay the bill to get it legalized.
It is not the first time that the car accident at Roskilde Harbor is in the spotlight of both the media, the police and politicians. Back in December last year, however, Enhedslisten in the municipality's city council voted against banning the meeting.
Against a ban, it allowed, among other things, that the municipality should not decide what constitutes 'good and bad culture' in the city. Read more about it here .
Back at the harbor in Roskilde, the 19-year-old driver was not the only one to receive a greeting from the police. Several patrols had arrived at the meeting. This meant, among other things, that a 33-year-old motorcyclist was charged with driving at least 70 km/h in a 50-zone.
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