Cartrader ApS only lived for two months. Still, the man behind managed to cheat a well-known entrepreneur out of millions of kroner, writes the media .
The Danish car industry has recently been hit by a number of bankruptcies.
The tax authorities are behind several of them. But it is also private business people who have been cheated. One of them is the entrepreneur Magnus Kjoller.
This is written by Nordjyske .
Magnus Kjoller has filed for bankruptcy of Cartrader ApS, which has an address in Aalborg, because he believes he has lost millions.
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Money from which he was defrauded using false documents. Magnus Kjoller himself today calls the company 'a house of cards made of toilet paper built on quicksand in stormy weather'.
And because of a large loan from the entrepreneur, for which the car dealer was personally liable, he has been declared bankrupt in the bankruptcy court. It happened at the end of April.
The car dealer is related to another company from Aalborg, which went bankrupt just six months ago. Read more about it here .
During the new bankruptcy proceedings, the car dealer could, among other things, not answer where 7 Teslas, for which over 2 million kroner had been paid, have gone.
However, it is not only on Danish soil that bankruptcy is lurking just around the corner. At the time of this article's publication, there are just 11 days until the Danish Henrik Fisker car brand seeks bankruptcy protection. Read more about it here .
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