Audi already believes that its customers want to pay monthly for things like heated seats. And now even more functions must be put behind a paywall, says the boss.
He is still the head of the technical department at Audi, but in a little while he will be demoted to a role with the Germans' future Formula 1 team.
Before Oliver Hoffmann gets that kick, however, he can say right now that Audi will put even more functions behind paywalls in the future.
That's what Autocar writes.
In an interview, Oliver Hoffmann explains that Audi will offer 'more on demand functions'. Right now it's things like automated parking that Audi owners can pay for in the so-called 'My Audi' app.
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But more functions are therefore on the way behind the paywall. They come with Audi's next generation of electric cars.
– It is a big step. But I think that there is a demand among customers for the new functions, and it is a sea of earning opportunities for us, says Hoffmann.
However, the Audi boss will not say anything about what the car brand intends to charge for in the future. On the other hand, they stick to an idea that BMW's competitors have already dropped. And that after fierce criticism. Read more about it here.
However, Audi already makes a difference to its customers. In some markets, for example, you have to pay to synchronize the air conditioning. So get the same temperature in all the zones.
On the other hand, the brand from Ingolstadt is not alone in believing that there are billions of kroner to be made in the drivers' pockets by charging for things like the air conditioning.
At the Stellantis group, the assessment is already now that the so-called 'on demand' functions will be a business worth 22.5 billion dollars, corresponding to 155 billion kroner in 2030.
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