A very tired Swede has been sentenced for taking a nap in a Tesla on the E4 motorway. The police tried over a stretch of 40 kilometers to wake him up.
– I dozed off pretty well, I can vouch for that 100 percent.
That's what a Swedish man said in court, immediately because he was convicted of negligence in traffic by letting a Tesla do the choral trip on autopilot.
The man, who is now convicted of negligence in traffic, had to be woken up by the police on the E4 motorway, because the context of the case dawned on him.
It all happened back in January of this year. That's what We Bilägare writes.
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The media describes how the police tried to make contact with the man, who continued to sleep behind the wheel. Only after a 4 kilometer chase did the Tesla owner wake up and pull the car into a nearby gas station.
– I am enormously ashamed. It was due to exhaustion. I had a Tesla with autopilot on, which made me very comfortable, the man explained in court.
The autopilot is not the same as the system Tesla calls FSD – or driver assistant with self-correcting properties. The autopilot is less advanced.
In the report that an officer who participated in the hunt for the sleepy Tesla owner subsequently wrote, it states, among other things:
" When we explained to the driver what had happened and what he had done, I realized how dangerous it actually was. I am shocked, angry and tired. He hardly understood what had happened, in my opinion ."
In court, the driver elaborated that he works to drive cars between dealers and customers, and that he had not slept the night before and that he took a nap in the car.
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