As a car brand, Saab no longer exists. But there are still millions of Saab models on the road. That is why the production of spare parts is being restarted in the brand's hometown of Trollhättan.
These days it is exactly 10 years since the last car with the Saab logo ever left the assembly line at the Stallbacka factory.
That car was also bought by Danish Claus Spanggaard. He paid a good 325,000 Danish kroner for the car – a 9-3 Turbo. Read more about it here.
But because Claus is not the only Saab owner still rolling around on the roads – in fact, it is estimated that up to one million Saabs are still in use – production is being restarted.
The company Techroi says so in an interview to Sweden's Radio P4 Väst. In a press release, Saabklubben Reservdelar AB shares its joy at the news.
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There is a shortage of spare parts especially for the newer Saab models. Some of them cannot be repaired at all.
– When production ceased in 2012 (short for the original Saab Automobile closed down, ed.), there were spare parts left. Now you are about to lob Tor.
– Some of the newer cars that are damaged during collisions cannot be repaired, so there are no sheet metal parts, for example, says Göran Fredriksson, communications manager at the Swedish Saabklubben Reservdelar AB.
Production also takes place in – for Saab people – familiar surroundings. The new spare parts are manufactured in Saab's old prototype halls.
And it is not the latest Saab news this time around. The last remaining Saab on four wheels will not be built at the old factory. Read more about it here .
Much apropos of spare parts is that kind of big business. And not just so Saab fans can keep their cars running smoothly. BMW, for example, still produces completely new parts for cars that were discontinued almost 25 years ago. Read more about it here .
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