It was probably just an attempt. Still, a speed camera with artificial intelligence managed to blitz 300 drivers in three days.
Cameras – including those in traffic – and perhaps especially those in traffic – are becoming more and more intelligent.
This is underlined by an experiment with speed cameras equipped with artificial intelligence in England. In just three days, the automatic traffic control succeeded in catching 300 drivers for breaking the law behind the wheel.
The BBC writes that.
The technology was launched by the Australian technology company Acusensus in 2018. But it was only in August last year that the British police decided to test the technique.
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In three days, the cameras flashed drivers doing everything but driving. The system is already in use in the USA, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, South Africa, India and Australia. And according to Acusensus, accidents in the areas monitored by their cameras are reduced by 22 percent.
– Distracted drivers are a universal problem. Distracted drivers are involved in one in four traffic accidents.
– At the same time, nine percent of all traffic fatalities can be attributed to the type of driver who allows himself to be distracted by a mobile phone, says Acusensus founder and managing director Alex Jannink.
At home, the police are also gearing up in the hunt for motorists. A further 246 number plate scanners will be put into use later this year.
A form of automatic traffic control that was first used in Denmark in 2016. Back then, they started with 24 stationary cameras and 48 specially equipped police cars.
The National Police expects the extra cameras, which will also be on the police cars, to be installed later this year. Read more about it here .
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