Normally, it's not something he looks for. But YouTuber Bjorn Nyland was still shocked by the price of gasoline in Norway, which is now under 10 kroner per liter.
That's not usually what Norwegian YouTuber Bjorn Nyland's videos are about, but he made an exception the other day.
While testing the new, electric Ford Capri, the Norwegian got a bit of a shock when he saw the prices at the gas station.
He says so himself in the video.
– Normally it's not petrol prices I look at. But look here. 15.59 Norwegian kroner for 95 Unleaded. That's cheap, says Bjorn Nyland.
And he's right. Because with the Danish exchange rate, it's equivalent to just under 10 kroner per liter. But in Sweden they can actually be included too. Read more about it here .
Norway follows suit – gasoline is now cheaper than milk
If you look at the Nordic region as a whole, it is actually only in Denmark that the price is high. Or at least higher. On January 1st of this year, the SVM government increased taxes on both gasoline and diesel in Denmark.
The tax increase is the result of a very old political agreement called the Spring Package 2.0. It was adopted all the way back in 2009.
And even though the crude gasoline price has fallen due to lower demand on the world market, Danes still pay almost 5 kroner more per liter of gasoline than both Swedes and Norwegians currently do.
It gets worse when a political majority at Christiansborg back in 2020 decided to raise all taxes on cars until 2026. Not even vintage cars are exempt. Read more about it here.
In fact, only diesel car owners can reduce their everyday fuel budget a bit. The government has decided to reduce the so-called equalization tax.
This will happen until 2026 by 30 percent, because the reduction in 2027 shrinks to 21 percent. There is no such discount on the tax bill for people with gasoline cars.
Conversely, further help is on the way for people with electric cars. After several denials, Tax Minister Rasmus Stoklund (S) will now also give homeowners with solar panels on their roof a tax refund when they charge their electric cars.