The famous German 'shopping queen' Brigitte Lund-Arnold has turned 84 years old. But she still drives a car. At the weekend it went wrong with 312 km/h.
At the weekend, the well-known German shopping queen Brigitte Lund-Arnold made headlines in several German media when she smashed her Ferrari Purosangue at 312 km/h.
The accident happened north of Hamburg, where the 84-year-old woman lost control of the yellow Italian on the A-23 motorway. According to media reports, the older car was pushing close to top speed immediately before the accident.
However, something went wrong. Because the car skidded and rolled off the road, after which it ended up on the roof.
Brigitte Lund-Arnold, referred to as the queen of tele-shopping in Germany, has made a fortune selling hair care products. She has used some of the money to build a collection of Ferrari models. Just as she is otherwise known for her interest in motorsport.
Despite the high speed and the dramatic course, according to her own statements in the media, nothing happened.
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– Believe me, I don't just lose control in a Ferrari. Especially since I drive 50,000 kilometers a year in these cars, she tells Bild .
Exactly what triggered the accident is still unknown, but Lund-Arnold explains that she believes a "technical error" was the cause.
There is no official information on whether the police are investigating the allegation further. But pictures taken after the accident show a car with significant damage. Experts estimate that it is probably too damaged to be rebuilt and will therefore be scrapped.
It is not the first time that a trip that is perhaps a little too fresh ends up costing a particularly expensive Ferrari its life in Germany. Earlier this year, a just 24-year-old man had an even more expensive model smashed. And that even on a very short choir tour. Read more about it here .
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