Officially, it is said that the two China brands Omoda and Jaecoo are simply postponing the launch in Denmark. But it looks like a no thank you.
The cars from Omoda and Jaecoo, which are part of the Chinese Chery Group, should actually have already been in Denmark.
But now it is said that the activities in Denmark have 'been postponed' for some time. But that they are now preparing to 're-enter the Danish market.'
This is what Jianian Du, who is Brand Manager for Omada and Jaecoo in Denmark, tells Motor magazine .
There is just the problem that neither one nor the other car brand from the Chery Group has ever been in Denmark for.
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But if you ask the Chinese, the delay in the launch, which will therefore drag on enormously, if it becomes something at all, is due to the EU's upcoming punitive tariffs on all electric cars from China.
According to Motor magazine's information, no agreement has been signed with a Danish car importer. Instead, the Chinese are in negotiations with several car importers.
Much apropos of the Chery Group, the Chinese are said to be the ones who jumped out of a deal to buy a European car factory which is now facing closure instead. Read more about it here .
If it happens that the Chery Group brands avoid Denmark, they will not be the first Chinese brands to say no thanks to the Danes anyway. Volvo's owner, Geely, announced last week that it is dropping plans for a new car brand in Denmark.
Conversely, both Omoda and Jaecoo are extremely busy. Their parent group has set the goal that by 2030 at the latest they must contribute to sales of one and a half million cars in markets outside China.