Owning a car is expensive. Especially in Denmark. In 2024, however, the price will take a significant plunge, shows a calculation from FDM.
It will be an average of DKK 3,200 cheaper to own a car in Denmark this year. At least if you compare with 2023.
This shows a calculation from FDM, which the interest organization tells about in a press release .
It is especially the prospect of stable fuel and electricity prices that will drive the price down in 2024, FDM believes.
The calculation also falls in favor of motorists, even though fuel taxes were raised at the turn of the year. And that on both diesel and petrol.
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– Overall, it will be cheaper to own a car in 2024, which is solely due to stable energy prices. If we look at the underlying mechanisms, it has not become cheaper to insure or service the car.
– This is because the high inflation in 2022 and 2023 continues to affect, for example, insurance prices and the costs of maintaining the car, says FDM.
However, it is especially people in electric cars who will notice that the car takes up less space in the budget this year. FDM believes that there is a saving of DKK 10,000 per year when the price of an electric car is the same as a petrol car.