A 50-year-old man had no way to charge his electric car at home because he lives in an apartment. So now he's been convicted of stealing electricity from the housing association.
A Swedish man has been convicted of stealing electricity for his electric car from a housing association in Växjö. The man, who is in his 50s, had plugged his electric car into a regular socket in a garage owned by the Vidingehem housing association.
This act was discovered, and the housing association reported the matter to the police. After an investigation, the man was charged with illegal energy diversion, which in practice means that he has illegally taken electricity from someone else.
The court in Växjö sentenced the man to pay 30 daily fines. Since daily fines in Sweden are calculated based on income, the total fine ended up being 9,600 Swedish kronor, which corresponds to approximately 6,300 Danish kronor.
This is written by Sweden's Radio P4 .
The case is a reminder that it is illegal to steal electricity, regardless of whether it is from a private individual, a company or a housing association.
It is important to remember that charging electric cars must be done in a legal and safe way. There are many public charging stations, and more and more housing associations are also establishing charging stations for their residents.
If you are in doubt about how to charge your electric car correctly, you can always contact your electric car dealer or your electricity supplier for guidance.
It's tempting to find a "creative solution" when you don't have a charging station, but it can end up being an expensive pleasure.
In this case, the man got away with a fine, but in other cases the punishment for stealing electricity can be much harsher. It is not the first time that an electric car owner has been convicted of stealing electricity. A 78-year-old, "cunning" Polestar owner, for example, can speak to this. Read more about it here .
And we could go on. In Germany, another electric car owner has been convicted of stealing electricity for his hybrid car. He stole the electricity from his employer while he was at work. In addition to the sentence, it cost him a dismissal.