On Thursday morning, a 23-year-old man from Nakskov was anything but satisfied with the pace on the Sydmotorvejen. It ended up being expensive for him.
On Thursday morning, the dissatisfaction of a 23-year-old man from Nakskov ended up costing him both a fine and a cut in the choir card.
On the Sydmotorvejen near Eskilstrup, the 23-year-old chose to overtake in order to drone into the edge of the lane and pass the traffic.
This is stated by the South Zealand and Lolland-Falster Police in the dog report .
However, that decision ended up costing the 23-year-old driver dearly. Because on the same stretch and direction, an officer from Nordsjælland, who could not avoid seeing the man's carousel, was driving.
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After stopping the 23-year-old, the local police were called so that the 23-year-old could be charged with driving on the wrong side of the road. Something that initially costs 2,000 kroner in stalls and a cut in the choir card.
Elsewhere in the country, motorists think they can get away with anything by playing police. It recently cost a man in a mess Dacia extremely expensive. Read more about it here .
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